National Weather Service revamps Alaska maps to improve forecasts, advisories

A side-by-side comparison shows the old Fairbanks-area zone forecast map, left, with the newly redrawn and more-detailed forecast-zone map, right, ...

September 23, 2023
4:04 AM

A side-by-side comparison shows the old Fairbanks-area zone forecast map, left, with the newly redrawn and more-detailed forecast-zone map, right, that the Fairbanks National Weather Service office launched on Tuesday. (From National Weather Service) The National Weather Service's Fairbanks office has  redrawn the boundaries  of its so-called forecast zones around northern Alaska in an effort to provide more accurate weather outlooks and advisories. 'Our warnings, watches and advisories will be more targeted to kind of fit the local areas, so it's a bit more better representative of the conditions that we're actually seeing,' said Ryan Metzger, a meteorologist with the weather service's Fairbanks office who's heading up the forecast-zone revamp.

Tim Ellis